This is the United States not a Police State!
16 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Over the top anti-communist movie has the members of the US Communists Party or "Commies" as they were called then made out to be far worst and dangerous then their fellow travelers in Moscow as well as Eastern Europe. Were made to believe that the "Commies" in the USA were so brazen and out in the open not hiding in the dark like rats and cockroaches by going so far as murdering any member of the party that has second thoughts about how great their objectives, in creating a workers paradise in America, really is or better yet isn't.

There's the just discharged from the US Army Bill Jones, Robert Rockwell, who feels he's getting a raw deal from the government by allowing him to get screwed by a real-estate agent who robbed him out of his life savings. It's not long that Bill ends up gravitating, but not quite joining, the US Communist Party that offers him as well as his fellow returning from WWII GI's a better life. It's Communist honcho Nina Petrovka, Hanna Axman, who serves as Bill's controller showing him just how great the ideas of Marx Lennon & Stalin are for the working class in America. It's doesn't take long for Nina not Bill, who seems to have trouble grasping reality, to see what a bunch of lowlife and lying creeps these "Commies" really are.

It's no surprise that both Bill, who finally gets the message, and Nina checked out of the party and are seen running for their lives, by car, to Arizona to escape being murdered by their fellow Communist party members. That's what happened to Tony Roachi, Norman Budd, who in trying to quite the party, in seeing what it really stands for, was beaten to death by a couple of "Commie" goons and made into a martyr in blaming those against Communism, like the John Burke Society, for his murder. There's also the sad case of Commie poet laureate Henry Solomon, Shepard Menken, who tried to be honest in his writings about 20th century world history and the Communist part in it, which was anything but enlightening, that had him kicked out of the party and blackmailed in not being able, despite his talents as an excellent writer, to find a good paying job. The last straw for Solomon was when his fellow Communist Party member and lover Mollie O'Flaherty, Barbara Fuller, career as a Communist agitator ended because of her associating with him getting the pink slip, from the party,and ended up on poverty row in her not being able to get a job that pushed Henry off the edge. The edge of a the ledge of a five story building, at the Communist Party headquarters, where he jumped head first through the window to his death.

It was the FBI and US Justice Department to finally put an end to the Communists in the movie by using their own feelings of invincibility against them. And it was big mouth Communist fanatic Greta Block, Betty Lou Greson, who when exposed as being really Communist instigator Yvonne Kraus who in fact murdered her, and stole Greta's identity, along with her Commie cohorts in Mexico City ten years ago that put an end to her and the Communist party that she so fanatically served. As for Bill & Nina they got a free pass in given a second chance in getting their act or lives together by the US Government and become loyal American citizens; Something that they by being disloyal to the Communist Party in the USSR would have ended up them being put in front of a firing squad or sent on a life long stay to a Gulag in far off Siberia.
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