Scooby-Doo! Camp Scare (2010 Video)
OK Timewaster
27 December 2014
Camp Little Moose is in big trouble! Not only are they inferior to their competition, Camp Big Moose, but Camp Little Moose is being haunted by The Woodsman! But there is also "The Fishman" and "The Banshee of The Black Canyon" Thankfully, the camp is in good hands with the ambitious, Mystery INC. This one was fairly decent. It started off well enough, but runs out of steam around the 40-45 minute mark! There just isn't enough material. They throw in everything but the kitchen sink, to pad the running time, but 70 minutes is just too long for this sort of thing. I will admit the villains were very cool! especially "The Banshee of The Black Canyon" There is also some great action. Shaggy and Scooby's heroic bridge scene is really impressive! Speaking of Shaggy and Scooby, they stole the show as usual. Check out their hot pepper & hot chili gags! The side characters aren't too bad. We get a Mini-Fred! I thought that was pretty cute. I also liked the looks of both the camps! They did a good job. The ending is lame, throwing in an unsurprising twist and a very disappointing conclusion. Other than that, I had an OK time with this. I did enjoy myself to a certain extent, it's just not one of the best

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