Review of Dinocroc

Dinocroc (2004)
A Few Surprises Here and There
24 December 2014
After a 100 million year old dinosaur, related to our present day crocodile, is discovered a corporation by the name of "Gereco" decides to conduct genetic research using its DNA to stimulate growth. As it so happens the experiment is a complete success until one of their specimens escapes and begins consuming everything in its vicinity. However, rather than alerting the authorities the Gereco company decides to keep everything top secret in the hope that they can somehow contain the damage themselves. Now rather than reveal any more of the story and risk spoiling the film for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this movie was pretty much what I expected from a Roger Corman film in that it had a definite B-movie quality to it. The acting wasn't that good and the CGI could have used some improvement as well. But Jane Longenecker (as "Diane Harper") was certainly cute and even though it was mostly predictable there were a few surprises here and there which managed to keep my interest for the most part. I especially liked the suspense toward the end. In any case, while I don't consider this to be a good movie by any means I suppose it wasn't terribly bad either and so I rate it as just slightly below average.
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