Brain Dead (1990)
A weird little movie...
22 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Around the time I first saw Wes Craven's "The Serpent and the Rainbow," I became enamored with Bill Pullman as an actor. This ended up as a gateway through which I would ravenously hunt down as many early movies of his as I could, Brain Dead included...

Some might say this movie is downright bizarre. Well, I can't disagree with that. It's twisted, confusing, and surreal, all the while managing to be darkly humorous (although I have my doubts as to whether or not certain moments of hilarity were intended to be so). The whole thing plays out like an exaggerated fever dream and, as a result, makes it very difficult to give an accurate rating for this weird little movie.

While not a cinematic masterpiece by any means, it is not a bad movie - provided you can pay attention long enough to grasp what's going on! If you enjoy it enough, Brain Dead may warrant subsequent viewings. I have watched it around five or six times and always notice some new little oddity that I hadn't caught the previous time around.

Bill Pullman plays his role to nerdy perfection. Meanwhile, Paxton is the slightly skeevy business associate who may or may not be lusting after Pullman's wife (played by Patricia Charbonneau, who looks suspiciously like Sigourney Weaver these days. Hm...)

Far from perfect but highly entertaining, Brain Dead is a lost gem of the 90's that must be seen to be believed.
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