Review of I Origins

I Origins (2014)
21 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just barely watchable. Basically it consists of irritatingly cutsie baby-faced actors poorly imitating intelligent scientists engaged in deep philosophical conversation. The way the actors interact with each other and their environment barely resembles reality.

The romance is shallow and cringe-worthy, like something a preteen would think up: Anonymous hook-ups and stalking somehow portrayed as an appealing, convincing backdrop to a life-changing romance.

The main character is a scientist who has exactly two coworkers, and zero managers or bosses or advisors, throughout his entire career, and can fly around the world at a moments notice on a whim.

Usually I'm not one to criticize the "science" in a movie like this, but they didn't even try! In the end it comes down to a guy randomly finding a little girl on the street, (of course she's the right girl, of course she speaks English!) and dragging her into a hotel, and no one raises an eyebrow at this. Then he gives her a multiple choice test in the most biased and error-prone way imaginable. Then even though the questions were all 1:3/33% chance, for some reason its unimpressive that she got 44% correct. Statistically, that would impressive if there wasn't someone emotionally attached to the outcome and who knows all the right answers, staring at the test-taker in the face while they make their choices.

Then the ending is open-ended in a way that is intended to be though-provoking and deep, but actually is anti-climactic.

Okay, so now that my ranting is out of the way, actually the movie isn't that bad. It has some touching moments occasionally, its worth watching if you're bored. But the ending leaves much to be desired, it feels unfinished, and overall the movie just seems like its geared to appeal to preteens whose brains are not fully formed and don't really have a fleshed-out concept of how the adult-world works.
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