Cheap Brand Exploitation
8 December 2014
This film is proof that Hollywood execs will try to squeeze every last drop of marketing potential from any brand, and beat a dead horse till its more puddle than horse. Don't get me wrong, sin city was a cinematic masterpiece. But this is badly written, badly shot and badly acted. It seems like it was given a high budget initially, scrapped and rewritten. and then given a tenth of the budget and a thousand revisions. You can tell there was some talented artists working on this, right along some godawful artists who shouldn't even have jobs. For instance, the colorist who worked on this needs a raise, and the compositor needs to be fired. There are a lot of really cool gritty shots, where you can see all the detail in these worn, wrinkly faces and the detail in the brick and its almost tone mapped, and then you have these terrible green screen jobs that look like they were done in the 40s or something and not in a good way. the whole color isolation thing they borrowed from the first one was at best distracting and at worst downright confusing. there was these scene where they had twins, one was vibrant and yellow and one was straight black and white. no reason, no point, and she didn't really even do much. the lips, the eyes, the whole effect is done without the slightest bit of subtlety or thought, clearly on a whim. And there's some cool comic book style effects, thrown in with some winceably bad parts that bring the cheese factor up to 11.

And don't even get me started on the story. There's a mixmatch of 3 different plot lines linked over by only a single character, there's 3 different protagonists and 4 different narrators and weird fantasy sequences that are then referenced as actual events that happened, but THE DUDE CAME OUT OF THE WALL MAN. And then the real version of the dude that wasn't in her head reminded her of the same shît that imaginary him said? And he somehow sees the imaginary version of the main character from the first film? And what did any of that have to do with the crazy manipulative rich chick from act 1? Or was that act 2? act 4? Its more like a bunch of short stories than it is a movie. And with how hard they try to tie them together, its a bit awkward.
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