Family Guy: The 2,000-Year-Old Virgin (2014)
Season 13, Episode 6
where was the joke part?
7 December 2014
So I love family guy, I have seen every episode! And while there are some that push the envelope a little, I usually give them credit for being funny in spite of what they say or do. I have no issue with the freedom to criticize religion or ideas, my issue is when a comedy show forgets its place and stops doing comedy to do pure commentary. This wasn't even a comedy! One, maybe two jokes in the whole episode! It was all about Seth MacFarlane forcing his views down our collective throats. I have seen other episodes with Jesus, and though I am sure they pushed some buttons out there, they were funny and had a story line. From time to time, he gets heavy handed with his political criticisms, though again usually just a footnote to an episode. This is thirty minutes of a ticked off anti-Christian making sure the world understands that he hates Jesus. It is not even an episode of a show. It should be removed from any list of family guy episodes, not because it offends (he has the right to offend anyone, I love that America is a place where we can challenge any idea without going to prison) but because it is not an actual episode. The cavalcade of comedy told a more cohesive story. Any family guy fans who see this episode will be disappointed simply because it is nothing like a family guy episode.
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