Bryan Ferriter Ladies and Gentlemen. Don't be fooled. He does NOT disappoint.
7 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Let me be absolutely clear. This film is NOT a 2.9 and anyone who rates it lower than 4 is blatantly unworthy is being able to vote on IMDb or anywhere else. This is a low budget independent film. For some this can be a tough film to watch due to this and if you my reader are one of those people just stop reading now...

Now... as for the rest of us. Ladies and gents' this is actually quite a good vampire film in low budget terms. based on it being independent that is how I, unlike the most others are gonna rate this.

Its a vampire drama. A bit of action but primarily drama. Frankly I think the little action it has should be cut out because the very core of the film, the good stuff, lies in the dark and ominous story. The drama itself.

If you don't like slow building vampire films you want to skip this film. if thats not the case... I recommend this if you are open to good independent films.

The Good:

The film does not look all that cheap. Most of the actors are doing a good job and Ferriter in the lead, which could have gone bad, is actually not too shabby either. The combo of a writer, actor and director tends to go wrong but I for one doesn't not believe that happens here. I find the film very much likable because I enjoy films like Vampire Journal, which also benefits greatly from a very dark yet beautiful atmosphere. Vampire Journals is better though in my own opinion but anyway. The story is quite good as well. Quite simple... but the content in the middle makes the film shine from time to time. The film is very dark. This I LOVE in a vampire film. If you liked Vampire Journals I recommend you consider giving this film a shot too if you can handle a few rough edges of an independent.

The Bad:

Some of the casting could have been a lot better. Some scenes could be been cut from the film too in order to keep the focus on the beauty of the story rather than rushing on to action. Because that is sadly where the film falls from its grace. Just the same... I've seen worse. A LOT WORSE! I know what a 1-2-and 3 looks like and THIS FILM IS NOT IT.

The ending is a matter of taste really. The film itself is dark as mentioned earlier and I LOVE that so the fact that the ending remains dark too is not that big an issue. However... again some would have enjoyed something more positive. Again, its a matter of taste really.

The film feels short too when you start to enjoy it. I wanted more of the vampire Gothic beauty and charisma. And less story about these youngsters who will run into the vamps later. More vampire stuff Ferriter! Please! you can do it! Give us a sequel!


The film is damn good in terms of low budget independents. However, there is another thing you must take into account while watching this is patience and understanding that this film has a few rough edges and that is is low budget. You MUST I repeat MUST keep that in mind or you will start to hate and that isn't fair because below the relatively rough surface is quite a good film. Give it a chance. you wont be disappointed.

All in all this is a film that is definitely worth a look IF you can handle low budget films though this film doesn't look that much like one, and of course if you love vampires. If you can look aside from a few rough edges you got a good independent film right here.

6 out of 10 guys. A good film. Not a great one due to it falling short on length and some more intriguing content. Like if we had more scenes with Ferriter and Paulie Redding. More dark, vampire atmosphere and who knows... a castle with lots of colors. Elric was a prince after all. Throw in a castle next time Bryan. Could be damn good!

Well worth a watch guys. And finally a message to all you guys rating this 1 or 2 or 3. Do me and everybody else who enjoy reading a review to avoid a bad film AND STOP RATING OR REVIEWING FILMS YOU HAVE SEE FOR 5 seconds and hate on due to it being low budget or you not understanding it. If its garbage... go ahead but this is NOT garbage. Effort went into this film. And unlike a lot of other first timer directors and writers Ferriter actually did quite a good job on this. I've seen MUCH worse. Wanna see a 1 or a 2 or a 3? Watch Titanic 2 or utter GARBAGE like The Bunker from 2014 or Tusk. C R A P films with no point or purpose. THat FALLS UNDER 1s 2s and 3s. See them and compare them to this film. then you'll see.

Shame on you guys. Good job Bryan Ferriter. Good Job Paulie Redding. Consider making a sequel. This has potential you guys.

Ohh and finally! NOX ARCANA!! YOU DID SO WELL ON THE SOUNDTRACK! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! It really sets the atmosphere throughout the entire film. Guys... even if you don't enjoy the film, consider the soundtrack. Its fantastic.
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