The Vidiot Reviews...
30 November 2014
Dolphin Tale 2

Now what's the point of recouping an injured dolphin if it's just going to end up in a can of tuna?

Unfortunately, the aquatic rehab centre in this drama doesn't see it that way.

When the USDA threatens to remove the tailless Winter from the Clearwater Aquarium if she isn't paired with another dolphin in 30-days, Sawyer (Nathan Gamble), Hazel (Cozi Zuehlsdorff) and Dr. Haskett (Harry Connick, Jr.) attempt to acclimate a new dolphin into Winter's tank.

But when Winter's stump startles the newbie, the team must cast a prosthetic tail in order to retain her.

Inspired by the clinic that treated the real Winter, this sequel is essentially a retelling of the first with tacked on secondary stories involving assorted injured animals.

While Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman reprise their roles, the teens from the first are replaced with bad look-alikes.

What's more, who knew dolphins were so shallow?

Red Light

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