Monsignor (1982)
It might be a sin to watch this
29 November 2014
Dull and tiresome, this story should be fascinating. A corrupt priest, global shenanigans, love, lust, war. But the action seems to go on in a weird Vatican vacuum. when I first watched this years ago I assumed I'd napped and missed huge chunks. Large numbers of years seem to Elapse without explanation. Rome goes from war time to peacetime without anyone seeming to notice. The woodeness of reeves is reminiscent of one of those jokes where they show the sae face 100 times with different emotions under them. Beaujold is lost but still cute. Reeves apparently blamed the editors of the film, but although we don't know what they cut, what they left is expressionless. In love scenes, when angry, when stressed his demeanor remains the same. After two hours of this I feel I've done penance. do watch it, the scenery is nice as is Genevieve.
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