Review of Man Camp

Man Camp (I) (2013)
Half funny, half sleazy, Dean Cain not the lead; but, yes, I did laugh at spots
24 November 2014
Clark (Luke Tululescu) is a hair stylist-artist. In other words, he is more than just a man with a pair of shears. He is also quite sensitive and the folks who come in the shop for his skills adore him. Alas, he is not happy for he is madly in love with his roommate, Lucia, who already has a Neanderthal for a boyfriend. She loves him as a friend, period. Thinking that maybe his image is not "ultra manly" enough for Lucia, Clark lets himself get talked into a course in masculinity by a familiar barkeep. In the rooms behind the bar, Lucia's man plus his friend (Dean Cain) try to "toughen up" and direct Clark and his two pals to learn macho ways. Hilarity ensues, since Clark is not liking this punishment too much. But, he sticks it out, for perhaps Lucia will look his way. Then, this beautiful Brazilian lady and her squeeze begin having troubles. Is this Clark's big chance? This rather masculine take on a romcom has quite a number of sleazy, overtly sexual scenes. Therefore, its not for all. But, it still has plenty of humor and fun for the typical fan of romantic comedy. The cast is good looking, too, although if you think Cain is the star (and the cover makes one think so) you are wrong. He is a secondary character and not on the screen very much at all. On the other hand, costumes, sets and direction are quite adequate. If you are the ever searching comic love story fan, as many of us are, you will appreciate the lion's share of this one.
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