Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014 Video Game)
I'm getting more disappointed the more I play. This is so sad.
21 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I realize the game has some issues with frame rate and such. but that is no excuse for some people to rate it 1,2,3,or whatever. Thats simply dishonest


Combat is great. Fluent and effective. I feel like a bad ass.

"Main Story" is captivating. I personally like this approach. I like being a special and holy character. Im the herald of Andraste for crying out loud. I love it.

Graphics are good. Terrain, models on characters. Its very good

The new companions are okey. Im glad we got more women again. After the "dudefest" from DA2 I was afraid we'd see the same in DA3. Not the case thankfully. Bioware has given us some good and interesting females.

THE BAD: The game is not very well optimized at the moment. I've crashed ones so far on fast travel but I reckon that Bioware will fix it soon. Another bad thing is that it takes a long time to the quest giver to process your quest delivery at times. I deliver the item or complete the quest...then I wait...nothing happens. Then suddenly after 5 minutes... Quest complete. I don't see my reward because when I deliver I get no confirmation reply. Quite annoying.

Your companions are awfully quiet as well. They never comment on the quests or decisions you make. They just randomly talk and the only REAL personal convo's you'll have with them will be back at camp. I've played for about 20 hours and I've seen nothing of the goodies from Dragon Age origins so far. Actually... the convo system is BETTER in dragon age 2... What the F Bioware?!

In Dragon age 1 and 2 during conversations you would zoom from YOU to the guy you talk to. Companions too when commenting. Here...its just a LITTLE tiny bit of zoom. And talk...no immersion AT ALL. The dialog is LACKLUSTER and BORING for the most part. With the exception of the cinematics which are good.

Conclusion. REMOVE THE GOD FORSAKEN SIDE QUESTS AND GIVE US THE MAIN STORY! THIS FEELS LIKE AN MMO BIOWARE! WE Don't LIKE THAT! Whats worse is that sometimes its feeling like ESO... *facepalm*

The start of this game is a rushed disappointment as well. unlike Origins where we got a chance to get immersed... here its just straight on to combat. ASAP. I am so sad that this game is so freaking consolized. Its just combat...questing...combat...questing and the quest stories aren't even good. They are just there. ITS APPEALING TO MMO PLAYERS! WHY ARE YOU APPEALING TO MMO PLAYERS IN A SINGLE PLAYER GAME BIOWARE! WHY?!

When you are back at camp you feel the Dragon Age experience...talking to Cassandra or something. The cinematic feature WORKS! But thats only SPECIAL DIALOG. The rest is just boring third person talking. No movement...no zoom of faces...you're just frozen in place... its SO UN- IMMERSIVE!

All in all. The game feels lazy... the combat is polished. Works well. Strategic camera is for consoles. PC gamers be warned. The main story is what I recommend focusing on...problem is you MUST DO THAT MISERABLE side quests to get to the RIGHT level to continue the story. It fails greatly because the side quests are horrendously boring unless you're an MMO player.

I am having serious immersion issues due to the majority of progression features which flat out RUIN the experience of an RPG. I heard a guy on Metacritic say Bioware managed to make DA3 WORSE than DA2. In my opinion... He is partially right. The main story is better...but progression is arguably better in some ways there due to companion commenting. Copy and paste of quest regions were used a lot in DA2 but frankly so were they as well a little in DA1 and I didn't mind. I had a story and I loved it. It don't need a colossal world.

This is so disappointing. I wanted this game to be so good but its a CHORE to play guys. It really is in my opinion.

I'm gonna get my money back. This is so sad. Mother of god I hope Witcher 3 wont be like this.

Final rating. 5 stars guys. its an average game. IF... bioware had us focus on the story ALONE I would have rated it 7 or 8 EASILY. But you are DEPENDENT on the side quests to get stronger just like in an MMO. It ruins the experience, kills immersions due to repetition. pick this up...deliver...kill 20 things...done. Rinse and repeat. For the love of god Bioware. WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! You guys are known for your great stories... Why are you making all these lazy side quests? is it to fill out the space of the open world? It FAILS! My god I'm so disappointed.

5 out of 10 guys. A potentially DAMN good game ruined by repetitive,mind numbingly dull progression! And garbage PC controls. INFURIATING CONTROLS If you can look aside from that... 7-8 out of 10 story in my opinion. But I can't. Im not enjoying this one bit.

Last hopes for a good game are on Project CD Red and Witcher 3 now... Aside from Farcry 4 which seems okey... 2014 is in my opinion another really messed up year for gaming. As if 2013 wasn't bad enough.

And why are there no Finish moves anymore?! Those kills were AWESOME! makes you feel badass!! WHY REMOVE WHAT WORKS BIOWARE! STOP DOING THAT! PLEASE! And the customization... why are all hairs the SAME for both male and female... COME ON GUYS! Thats just lazy! And not being able to keybind Mouseclick 1 or Mouseclick 2 is boneheaded and unacceptable.

*sigh* I wanted this to be so good.
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