Review of Behemoth

Behemoth (2011 TV Movie)
Twisted Confused plot and Characters
22 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Have to watch this one... it gets funny...Professors daughter taking a camping trip with metro-sexual guy who has the lowest testosterone level in recorded history... and as we watch her snivel and whine all the way up the hill... when he reaches out to support her emotionally... she tells him to be quiet the rest of the way... DID SHE REALLY JUST PUT HIM ON A TIME OUT??? Looks like quiet time for him... The question is.. does he ever make it back down the hill... and do you think he should have let her out and driven back down the hill at the occurrence of her first temper tantrum...

What about the professor who we find living evenings in the local diner because his supposedly supportive daughter, we find chasing her tail around town instead of feeding Dad at home. Although the Professor seems to have his own pedophile predilections culminating towards the end of the movie where we discover yet another find example of modern woman represented in ZOEY... a short little hot bodied dingbat we ponder how she could keep 2 orders straight or her job at the diner... till that one overhead down her top selfie is displayed, where we discover the professor with his arms around her in comfort ( shouldn't we all be comforting her )peering down her top...

Seriously... this is a must see... Why when everyone is in the helicopter is the man wearing the flight helmet AND NOT THE WOMAN PILOT... He was last go get in.... So many moments in this show make you want to back it up to see those moments again... in dis belief..

I would call this a must see...Gloria Allred may well find contention and grounds for a few Civil Suits based social relevance... But after all... not every movie is an academy award winner...
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