Review of Big Hero 6

Big Hero 6 (2014)
Baymax - The only redeeming factor
10 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of everything Disney, but this seemed like a first draft that was rushed into production. The characters were one dimensional, The side kicks were AWFUL. Woman Up would have been funny if it wasn't coming from the aggressive angry female sub character, and only heard through explosions in the background to mask what she was saying.

The Big Hero 6 version of comic relief (the lizard obsessed comic nerd rich kid who served no purpose) was just really annoying and only served but to place inconvenient little plot jumps.

Did anyone else find it a little uncomfortable when the only character that would add an accent to the name Hiro was the white female? Everyone else just said it as "hero"

The Music was TERRIBLE, I still can't tell if it was just one song that I couldn't understand for filth, or two.

The whole thing was so forced. Pushing as much exposition in the first ten minutes as humanly possible, while simultaneously making these characters unlikable. But you had your basic Disney movie checklist:

Dead Parents? Check Self Sacrifice from an important figure? Check Self Doubt, followed by realization? Check Pack of misfits that don't fit in? Check Lovable flat faced character? Check Action Sequence Montage? Check Villain reveal Plot twist? Check SECONDARY Self Sacrifice? Check Check Realization that the big sacrifice was for not? Check again End with big action filled sequence happy sequence that shows the dawn of a new day? Sure why not.

It hit all the usual marks, but with no heart, no originality, and no purpose.

Baymax was the only redeeming quality, and that's because he was the slapped together version of everything that we as a collective love to see, cute, soft, bubbly, endearing characters who seem to be a clean slate with no previous background story that can learn and help when needed. You Don't want to see anything happen to these characters, but something ultimately does in one way or another, and when the main character cries, you cry, when they laugh, you laugh. IT's all very basic.

Solid 4 out of ten. Baymax, the Aunts candid conversations with herself, and the only likable character, the older brother (who SPOILER ALERT) doesn't make it are the only things that this movie had going for it.

I saw myself laughing more AT the movie than with it. Which is unfortunate. That being said, I'll be searching Amazon for a BayMax life sized inflatable promo.
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