a nice try but a huge artistic fail
5 November 2014
well known story is that this one showed some hope, early on > Stan must have been thrilled to work with a company of which we presume he always had a good rapport > the co. distributed the independent Roach co. movies! the script was funny. but, alas, government guys stepped in to check the writing for political correctness long before Bill Mayer was born. that's probably a little harsh: it was important to assure that real air raid wardens are appropriated represented.

there are ZERO - count 'em - ZERO laughs here. ed Kennedy showed up for a sequence with Stan and Ollie at their repair shop and...nothing. badly directed segment leaving one wondering if *anything* will work for the fans.

in its' favor, we can get a feeling of Patriotism, as if Laurel and Hardy tried to do the right thing for the Country at the time, and even if the picture is lousy, it's worth viewing beginning to end. also, we have a solid story. it made sense to suspend the surreal and just tell a simple story of a couple of small town guys, really bumblers, who manage to become heros, on the *homefront*!
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