Far better than it's reputation
31 October 2014
Taunted by numerous stories and rumors over the years, a woman's attempts to disprove the Candyman legend inadvertently releases him upon her friends and forces her to try to stop him from continuing on.

This actually turned out to be quite a bit of fun and is much better than expected. One of the better elements here is the fact of this one managing to tie in the family legacy incredibly well, perhaps even better than any of the other entries throughout here. The relationship itself is one thing, but bringing in the visions of the mother as well as the connection through them makes this one so entertaining and manages to really connect this one quite well. That brings up the main storyline point here with this one brining the blood and gore through some rather inventive and enjoyable encounters here. The more chilling and enjoyable ones are based on the nightmares so this one's more thrilling moments come from the supernatural elements like the opening attack in the bathroom, the confrontation with the deformed mother coming from the bloody tub despite being in the public bathroom and the finale in his hive-home for the final struggle causes this one a lot of fun as this all comes off as exciting, extended action scenes build around pretty big scares. Other scares, as in the patrol car ambush or the gallery attack show-off the ability of this one to use the supernatural antics in the real works do it makes for a series of pretty intriguing and chilling scenes that also bring about some nice fore as well. It does have a few flaws, the main one being the rather overdone manner where the killer's targets toward the main victim here spends the whole film tormenting them instead of actually doing something about it. Despite the repeated claims of wanting her as one of the victims, he never really makes any effort to go after her and instead utilizes the psychological torment of going after her friend and family to get the job done which really makes no sense since he clearly has plenty of time to go after her instead. Otherwise, this one comes off just fine as it is.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity, and a brief, mild sex scene.
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