The Twilight Zone: The Mirror (1961)
Season 3, Episode 6
Real Reflections?
28 October 2014
Peter Falk plays a Central American peasant revolutionary leader named Ramos Clemente, who has just overthrown a hated tyrant who abused his power, and Clemente and his associates are basking in their new power when the dictator they ousted issues them a warning that their hold on power won't last long, and that a cursed mirror will reveal all the future assassins that will threaten Clemente. This prophecy seems to be coming true, as Ramos sees his comrades plotting to kill him in the mirror, so has them killed, but are these reflections true or false? The normally excellent Falk(best known as Lt. Columbo) overacts here, and is miscast, but central point of how absolute power corrupts may unfold a bit too obviously, but episode still remains a guilty pleasure.
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