a beauty of a film not in the least
26 October 2014
This is not the B-A-D movie I expected after two months of involvement with it on IMDb; see my message 'Consumer Alert' on the board post. I expected a very weak movie after all the negative reviews. For sure, this isn't a great movie, but it does have moments. The problem with it, is that it is SERIOUSLY FLAWED.

I also have the misfortune that after having to reschedule my planned watching of this title from late in August to tonight, I watched this one a week after THE STRANGER WITHIN, and in that one, Estella Warren is the aging former star (unbearably close to harsh reality) and that hindsight is totally bothersome when watching this movie. There are several very obviously unflattering angles here of the Beauty's face that should have been discarded and re-shot, but no, the Director wallowed on.

They were too intent on blood and gore, and didn't even realize that their blood and gore wasn't exactly well-filmed. Oh, an A+ for effort here, but look at that junk: it's laughably shoddy. Blood spurting from severed arteries would be six-feet high gushers that would ruin any camera within sight!

The standout is the troll. It was creepy, really creepy, like Yikes!! The Beast looked like E.T. met Vincent of the 1987 TV series. But the real beast that did all the slaying was Estella's uneven acting. For shame! You can't act for toffees, girl! You're much better on the DVD's interview where you are just yourself and excited about the movie. Stilted and uneven, gives way too little, especially in scenes where she is supposed to be distressed, like when the troll grabs her, it's like she's just reciting half-heartedly something vaguely pathetic, but OK, she knows her movies are going straight to video anyway, so why the hell bother, huh?

Estella, I understand you are a great person, but these performances are gonna haunt you for the rest of your life, dear. And people who know RavenGlamDVDCollector know that I defend the actresses and their titles all the way till the cows come home, but Estella, darling, you have to be more convincing all the way through... It's like this, baby, you have to pretend the bad stuff is really happening, like that mean old troll has really grabbed you, and you're scared, desperate...

If only they'd have done this when Estella was truly in her prime. As a pin-up model she was great! I'd not have gone on (so much) about the hammy acting then...

Oh, and this is also a review of THE STRANGER WITHIN. Estella Warren fans stay away from that one. Rather watch ol' BEAUTY AND THE BEAST A DARK TALE again. It has moments...
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