Sex Tape (2014)
Different Representation of Morale, but Bland...
9 October 2014
Graduating from How I Met Your Mother, Jason Segel tried to make one (hopefully) successful movie called Sex Tape, together with Cameron Diaz, the babe from Charlie's Angels.

So what was my verdict on this? I would say so-so to less than ordinary movie. At first, I was gonna rate it 4/10, but something in Sex Tape change my verdict.

The acting is not that good. Jason Segel still delivered the cheesy acts that were only intended for a serial television movie. While for Diaz, well she should be able to do better with her act, though we must admit, there's little to none 'better-act' in this kind of comedy-flick.

But one thing I did praise from this movie is the morale itself. Jack Black, although not credited, delivered the message clearly. If there's a quick and easy solution to lift up your life, then it's (probably) only just a temporary solution with bigger problem that got left behind and went unresolved. It's actually a pretty straightforward hit for anyone with family and perhaps it could actually open up your eyes and heart.

So, for the message of life from Jack Black, I would consider upped my rating to 5/10. At least there's still an important message for all family that's already on the verge of going bland for their whole life.
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