Batman: Pop Goes the Joker (1967)
Season 2, Episode 57
The Rube Goldberg Way To Steal Art For Fun And Profit
5 October 2014
It is difficult to judge the quality of a show that is basically a parody of itself. The "Batman" series uses the comic book format to spoof comics and, with tongue in cheek, to comment on society. In this episode, the show spoofs modern artistic commentary. Gotham City holds an art contest between five supposedly renowned artists from around the world. Their names are take-offs on famous artists, e.g. Vincent van Gauche. Each has three minutes to create a painting that will be judged. During the competition, each slathers or slops paint upon a canvas (for example, Jackson Potluck rolls in paint then rolls on a canvas), except for The Joker. In an homage to "The Emperor's New Clothes", he never puts brush to canvas. It is the ultimate in minimalism, so of course he wins the contest.

When this series first played back in the sixties, much of the social commentary flew above the heads of young viewers, though some of its meaning probably seeped in.

The plot is silly, as usual, with illogical happenstances galore--and part of the fun.
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