NYC point of view
29 September 2014
Harvey Wang is an artist with a city in his veins.

The city is New York and whilst it has myriad faces we rarely see this view, the older New Yorker and his changing burg. Wang has created something very special that we can so easily pass by and ignore in a city as storied as Manhattan. With so much history and so many movies we have one now that was previously missing.

An old man, still filled with foolish ambitions yet facing withering financial prospects falls in love and his world is changed. And not in any expected way but as a parable of hubris that all ages are capable of but might seem fatal to a man this long in the tooth.

The story is told against the backdrop of a changing city. This film, only seven years old already shows us places now gone, a vanishing city that presents so much less opportunity to those who have spent the most time here. Wang's photographic eye captures the city without jabbing you in yours.

Fine acting from the cast makes this a very watchable and compelling movie. If you have a chance this is a great movie don't pass it by.

I give it 8, no not the greatest thing ever but one you will get a kick out of if you have lived here and are also getting long in that tooth.
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