Family Guy: The Simpsons Guy (2014)
Season 13, Episode 1
28 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a life long fan of The Simpsons and Family Guy for years and seeing a crossover episode about them together, I was looking forward to the idea. The pay off was excellent. There was just so many clever jibs between the two shows, such as about how Family Guy ripped off The Simpsons, which is the beer conversation between Pawtucket and Duff. The two kinds of characters like Krusty and Mort, Mayor Quimby and Mayor West was good too, showing us the joke that the two shows have characters that act alike.

I know Family Guy has its critics and believe I have a few of my own, like 'Life of Brain' and 'Christmas Guy'. But this episode is great, I won't go on too long about it, but if you're a fan of both shows, then I recommend it. Though Simpsons fans may not like it because of different humor. But if some people are offended at the little light jib of Bob's Burger, which I like as well, there are worse offensive jokes then that when it comes to a show like Family Guy, so I wouldn't whinge at a little joke like that.

I do think the rape joke was stupid, but according to RAIN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) they said that they believe the show is making it clear that rape is not funny by how the position the joke and I can tell by the Bart's reaction towards Stewie. I don't think rape is funny, anyone who does those is idiotic and stupid.
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