This sums up much of our present condition
22 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the other two parts of the Atlas Shrugged Trilogy, I was anxious to see this one.

Due to severe budgetary limitations, there are a lot of production values missing from a big Hollywood movie, but that doesn't really matter. There are those who are Alinsky socialists who will never see the picture for the ideas presented.

This movie pulls together and solidifies the what the Founding Fathers desired. They had studied the failed societies in the history of the world, and each of them knew about the fallen state of man's nature. They were highly influenced to create a society where the individual would be free to create and succeed without being needlessly held back by government interference and "red tape".

The Pilgrims realized that man's fallen nature was the reason why their experiment in a "common wealth" failed. The industrious had no incentive to work hard when the able bodied and lazy just let his fellow man take care of him. The Founding Fathers created a society where the government was kept in check and out of the way of hard work making one prosperous. Sure, some of the Founders had slaves and were white. That is history and yet we don't have slavery today, EXCEPT for those who have been given handouts and are enslaved to the government for their living. We ought to encourage them join the society of those who do not need the government.

What does this have to do with "Who is John Galt"? EVERYTHING! This is a lesson in what happens when the Government is in control and they only have the interests of a FEW people. They act like they are for ALL people, but they are only all about themselves. Through crooked and shady "deals" the hard work of the average citizen is used to pay for all sorts of things to make these few more powerful. The difference between Dagny Taggart and her brother are startling throughout the trilogy until the brother realizes he has just been a pawn of the power elite. The power elite decides who has food, who lives, who dies. The citizenry are constantly being asked to help their fellow man though another government program. The one that breaks the proverbial camel's back concerns the 20th Century Motor Company. Today our citizens have become so conditioned, they have lost the will to fight.

The issues raised in each of the three movies, but especially in THIS one, make us pause to realize just HOW MUCH liberty, freedom, and responsibility we have lost. The movie talks about a period of 12 years, yet we have seen most of this happen in just the 6 years of Obama. The republican "conservatives" have been bought off by pop culture, the agenda of the liberal media to ruin someone who opposes the agenda of socialism, and by political correctness and corrupt "deals" that have corrupted any opposition in the "conservative" party.

When you hear the chant in the movie "We want Galt!" it brings to mind the 'tea party'--who really only exist to fight for a return to sound government, smaller government, the rule of law and the Constitutional protection of "checks and balances" over unrestrained dictatorial power, and the every increasing despotism of the government in our daily lives.

Because of all the bad-mouthing of the libs who have excoriated Ayn Rand's thinking through the decades and the media's influence in non-reporting stories contrary to a collectivist nature, I would not expect the message of this movie to be promoted. It's dangerous. The people might just fight for their rights to be left alone by the constant government shake down.

This message should be spread. It is powerful. This movie is a reminder of just how far our society has gone down the wrong road. While written in the 1950's it is a prophetic warning for us all to stand up for our minds, our opinions and our way of life before they are taken completely away from us.
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