Review of Wer

Wer (2013)
Werewolves are finally putting that horrible "Twilight" chapter behind them...
8 September 2014
I had no expectations or any sort of anticipation for "Wer", aside from just merely hoping to be entertained by it. And now that I have seen it, I must admit that I am really glad that I did.

Why? Well, because "Wer" is not your average werewolf movie. And whereas many 'older' werewolf movies have been fairly stereotypical and pretty much following the same recipe, and then came "Twilight" and gave the werewolf very loose wrists, but we are getting back on track in the werewolf legacy now with "Wer".

It was refreshing to see a movie such as this that didn't have the stereotypical werewolf living hidden amongst the people he (or she) would prey upon. But having this sculpted and turning out the way it did was just what the genre needed.

I am not going to go much into the storyline here, because "Wer" is a movie that has to be seen and experienced. Written words will not really fully do it justice.

The storyline was good, and the movie progressed with a good pace, and the audience was always kept in the dark, but given just enough information piece by piece to let it dawn upon us what was really going on.

As for the effects, well given this is not a Hollywood CGI galore, but the effects were working as they were intended, straight and to the point. And that made the movie seem all the more real and animalistic (or perhaps bestial is a better term), compared to the many movies that rely solely on multi-million dollar CGI effects budgets.

The acting in the movie was good and people did really good jobs with their given roles and characters. And I must especially applaud Brian Scott O'Connor for his portrayal of Talan Gwynek. And while Sebastian Roché is a good actor, then the role of Klaus Pistor was a bit weak. The back-story for this character didn't really have the impact that I believe director William Brent Bell was looking for.

But "Wer" is a definite must watch if you enjoy werewolf movies, and if you are past the spray tan, buffed teenage stage that "Twilight" brought the werewolves back to.

"Wer" was good entertainment from the very beginning, and hold on now, the movie quickly picks up pace and goes from good to great in a very short time. "Wer" gets a well-deserved 7 out of 10 stars from me.
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