Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Best or Worst movie ever
1 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles isn't all that bad. This movie does a lot of good, good origin story, good acting, and fun scenes. This movie does have it's fair share of bad elements. 1. Splinter's teaching. Splinter is a good guy proved by the TV shows and comics, but in this movie he comes off as weird with his motives. He wants his sons to protect the city of New York by stopping crime, but prevents them from going to the surface, so how are they supposed to save the day. He also is weird in how he teaches his sons ninjutsu perfectly from a how to book. 2. The Shredder. This guy is the main Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles villain, who is scary for his actions and personality. In this movie however, the real Shredder is seen like twice and never again, unless in his armor. The only thing that is scary about him is his armor, and this shouldn't be the case. This movie gets a Worst movie ever for the fact being Splinter forbids his sons going up top, bur yet he can get Domino's pizza in the sewer.
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