Gossip Girl: Dare Devil (2007)
Season 1, Episode 5
Social Amnesia
18 August 2014
Dan takes Serena out to a restaurant for a date and the waiter treats him as though he's never seen him before. I've certainly been through that, not in a restaurant, but in various city churches where people whom I've worked with have either ignored me or treated me like a stranger. In Dan, you get to experience what it is like as a socially aspiring talent who hits a social glass ceiling in middle class society. However, through Serena, he very quickly loses his outsider status and becomes an insider. He doesn't seem to work for it like Jenny who gives the impression that she is willing to sell her soul just to make it in middle class society. Dan's too proud for that, which loses him a few sympathy points. Maybe he needs to be halfway between himself and Jenny to be more endearing.
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