Absolutely fun and exciting slasher throwback
8 August 2014
Attempting to celebrate the grisly legacy of a notorious killer, a group of friends find their party interrupted by the spirit of the famous killer and must find a way of stopping the carnage before it's too late.

This turned out to be quite the fun and enjoyable old-school slasher with a lot to really like about it. The fact that this certainly dwells in all the old familiar trappings of the style, with the group of horny, alcoholic-infused teens trying to celebrate the legacy of a brutal mass murder with a wild party is straight from the play-book of the time and certainly adds to the retro feel in here by playing off the past's successes for it's own. That certainly puts this as a rather fun and grisly slasher when this one gets going here as the final half to this one really utilizes the stalk-and-slash formulas quite well by focusing on the slashing around the house before heading out to other areas around the community and finally settling on the abandoned hospital at the end where it really unleashes the carnage with a multitude of spectacular, gruesome deaths that amp up the blood-letting considerably as a slew of impressive deaths are dished out. There's also great use of the setting here to actually maximize the suspense factor apart from the killings so that there's a great deal of stalking being used to great effect within this and making for a rather enjoyable finale that really helps to add to the old-school feel here. There's a few nagging issues with this one, mainly the fact that the film never really gives too much information about the characters so that it's nearly impossible to know who's-who when the slashing starts. Often-times, it seems like a character simply thrown in to serve as cannon-fodder and it's only later that you realize they've been around since the beginning of the film. As well, you may not get a name to a character until they stumble upon the body and cry out over who just got killed which is a big nagging issue. This is surprising since the beginning to this really could've made a bigger deal about this issue but seems far too focused on other areas so that there's not a lot of time spent dealing with the characters while not really engaging in a lot of slashing with most of these kills happening off-screen only to finally see how it all happened in the flashback at the end which is quite a cheat. These factors do end up making it slightly lower than it should've been, but overall it's still quite fun.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Continuous Full Nudity, Graphic Language, several strong sex scenes, a rape and pervasive drug use.
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