The Signal (2014)
A movie as stupid as it thinks it is smart
4 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Very minor spoilers.

Take Dark City, remove any semblance of atmosphere or art design from it, dumb down the story to a three line pitch and put some bad teen actors in it and you will have The Signal. The Signal does not offer anything unique but does offer such an ill-written story that you will be left scratching your head wondering what on earth made you to waste an hour and a half of your life watching such trash.

Well it starts with a group of smart teenagers (from MIT of course, has to be MIT right? ) tracking a MIT server hacker (?) called Nomad as they make a detour to a place which leads to some strange incidents to occur. What is strange about the incident would be explained fairly quickly by Laurence Fishburne who pitches in with his laziest paycheck collecting performance ever. The MIT students are not that smart to avoid going into a Blair Witchesque house to explore things and one thing leads to another. Then things get really bizarre, uh well not so much. The screenwriter runs out of ideas as to what needs to be done to make the setting seem weird. Okay mmm why not throw in an extended interrogation sequence with the scowling teen lead in a hospital setting? Half an hour will be spent with the teen whimpering and crying and Fishburne smiling and jotting stuff on a notepad. No dramatic visuals, no imagery, no imagination whatsoever. This is followed by a lame ass attempt to escape from the mental institution to redneck Texas Chainsaw Massacre land. Also the protagonists have metal limbs for some reason and the girl in the group is being umm saved by the suspicious astro doctors for some future experimentation? This is followed by some really unnecessary and badly executed action sequence.

But the end is what will make you peel off your face. The way "Nomad" connection is revealed will make you question your sanity. The reason why they experimented with the leads with metal limbs is unexplained and so lame (why would they need to do it?) that you will want to be lobotomized rather than see another minute of this travesty.

I followed this movie with "Under the Skin". I can tell you that this was the worst movie watching day of my life. You have been warned.
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