Review of Married

Married (2014–2015)
23 July 2014
I watched this show because I had just read Judy Greer's book and I wanted to check it out. I am so tired of Hollywood making marriage out to be awful for both husband and wives. While they are so busy promoting gay marriage apparently heterosexual marriage is a fate worse than death. The beginning of the show is promising - certainly most husbands feel they don't get enough sex - a good premise for comedy but this was not comedy it was a tragedy. An unbelievable tragedy on top of it. Am I to believe that a wife is going to encourage her husband to have sex elsewhere?? AND that his two friends - one who is a female - and I would assume they know the wife since they have been married for 11 years - have no objections?? No dissenting voices?? I usually check out new comedies looking for something smart like Frasier or actually funny like Everybody Loves Raymond but alas it is nowhere to be found!! As the show went on I had to wonder if these two even liked each other let alone loved each other. For a show to work the characters have to have some redeeming qualities and that was sorely lacking here. Perhaps it will get better in the following episodes but I won't be watching to find out.
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