Screwy fun
30 July 2014
You do not need to wait until the weekend to enjoy this film. Its type of merriment can be enjoyed any old day of the week. Maybe that's because of Priscilla Lane, who plays her part with such coolness and ease that it's a truly a delight to watch her.

In fact, this is one of Miss Lane's last films, and it might be called a triumphant comic performance at that. It reminds me of her earlier screwball antics in ARSENIC AND OLD LACE. Only this time instead of Cary Grant, her sparring partner is Eddie Bracken, who brings his own unique brand of humor and energy to the proceedings. The story starts quite simply but as complications ensue and the laughs snowball, it becomes increasingly obvious (and increasingly painful for one's ribcage) that this is a fun film!
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