Review of Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts (2012)
Good despite the lead
10 July 2014
There were a lot of things to like about "Liberal Arts". The problem with this film is the same problem that Radnor's more famous series "HIMYM" suffered from. Radnor is the main character. Radnor is not a compelling character. He's just a whiny malcontent. In "HIMYM" he is constantly whining about not being married. Here he is whining about not being young. As in the series, he is surrounded by a capable cast of interesting and compelling characters. Elizabeth Olsen makes the most of a limited part. She leaves you wanting to know more. Richard Jenkins creates a compelling storyline that goes unfinished. I'm not sure I wanted to see more of Zac Efron or Allison Janney, but they both were excellent and entertaining making the most of their supporting roles. At the end of it all I wanted the story to revert back to their stories. Instead we are stuck with Radnor, and I just couldn't care less.
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