They Only Come Out At Night
4 July 2014
Germans have come a long way from Nosferatu to Wir Sind Die Nacht, but haven't lost their touch. Times are changing and changing some more, so this refreshing, modern take on bloodsuckers proves to be a worthy step in that direction.

Berlin. We are introduced to cool, hip and large - living vamp trio: Louise (serious and older, alpha vamp...also, a lesbian) Charlotte (avid reader; moody and depressed former silent film star) and Nora (a quirky, jokey third member who loves a fling followed by a nice dinner: meaning 2in1) Soon after, Lena, delinquent girl, pickpocket coming from a broken home steps into the picture. One night she attends one of the rave parties our aforementioned trio throws regularly, and after the brief encounter with Louise, her life changes for good.

In case you are thinking what I think you are...this is not, NOT German answer to most hated vampire saga in film history. But it does follow the formula which has transformed new vampires into human like, not-so mystical beings that raid big cities looking for fun and a good meal. We are The Night is beautiful to look at: high production, great effects and lots of fake blood so even the grumpy traditionalists shouldn't scoff at it. OK, so it does have some romance, all vampire films have romance! (one way or another) I was expecting nothing and was pleasantly surprised, but make no mistake: some people will rush to call it the best vampire film since Let The Right One In. It's not. As much as I wanted it to be a worthy follower.

Immortality, good looks, money and glamour....who wouldn't want to trade place with them? So it's not all fun and games there is much needed "but", provided by some particularly emotional and tragic scenes with Charlotte (excellent Jennifer Ulrich) as central figure and nihilistic reminder how eternity can be unwanted and lonely place to be. HUGE complaint: Where's Rammstein in otherwise cool soundtrack?!???!

But it's lots of lightweight fun, so easy 7/10
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