Review of Mysteria

Mysteria (2011)
Slow pace, nothing interesting, bad noir
25 June 2014
Aleister Bain (Robert Miano) is a washed up Hollywood screenwriter desperate to finish his script. He becomes the center of a noir investigation into the murder of a prominent politician's wife Lavinia (Meadow Williams). She's a fan who tracks him down for a dinner date. Danny Glover plays the investigator, Martin Landau is the hotel manager, and Billy Zane is the producer.

It's a little noir indie from newbie Lucius C. Kuert. The best thing is the acting talents involved. They are all people who have the parts in them. However this is just so badly made. I almost feel like the washed up hack writer in the movie wrote this tripe. Somebody watched too many black and white noir movies and wrote something for film school. It has nothing interesting or new. They don't do the femme fatale right. Robert Miano has the gruff look but he has nothing else going for him. It moves at a snail's pace and it dies a slow death.
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