Review of Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim (2013)
Third rate screenplay, first rate production
5 June 2014
When I first saw the trailer for "Pacific Rim," I said to myself "Rock'em, Sock'em Robots". I mean, the idiot-level concept that the gigantic monsters would not be stopped by torpedoes, missiles or guns at sea or a submarine net rigged with explosives or electricity just seemed to stupid to endure. However, two things made me change my mind: 1) my wife wanted to see it and 2) the movie had a really beautiful "look" (thanks to topnotch production values and use of a RED camera (the same camera used for "Step-up Revolution). Minutes into the movie, my other suspicions were confirmed: 1) this movie is marketed to an international cast, as the the three main characters are all of different races and nationalities; and 2) the storyline would be one cliché after another.

Nonetheless, I rate "Pacific Rim" highly for the acting, direction, music and those aforementioned production values. Even the cliché plot lines seem fresh and original due to the fine acting; especially Idris Elba, who could impress reading a soup can. Also, always welcome, is Ron Perlman, who somehow always manages to class up the most ridiculous projects.

With a cast of real actors, not stars, the most modest of romances and lots of violent action, this movie screams "International (particularly Asian) project". I certainly expected to see more Asian names among the technical credits. However, when one figures three-fourths of this movies grosses came from outside the US, it is clear Guillermo del Toro intended to make an international film, and he certainly made a handsome one. I give "Pacific Rim" a "7".
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