For B-movie horror fans only
31 May 2014
The flight of JA307 is relayed a bomb threat from the control tower. The pilot searches the bags and finds a gun. One of the passengers hijacks the plane. Meanwhile birds keep crashing into the plane and an UFO nearly hits them. It causes the plane to crash land on a deserted island. The UFO has also landed there taking over some of the people. Apparently, they intend on taking over the world after humans wear themselves out killing each other.

This is B-movie through and through. It's a Japanese sci-fi horror B-movie. The effects are cute and campy. The acting is generally very broad and bad. The campiness is good for a few laughs until it gets a little boring. This is for B-movie horror fans only. Even then, this is mostly for the cheese factor. It's not really actually scary. Even the way the possessed suck out the other people is hilariously silly looking. The blob alien enters the possessed through a gash in their foreheads. It's kind of funny looking. It's one of those movies that people make fun of by dubbing in funny dialog. Maybe somebody will make a hilarious dubbed version and I can rate that higher.
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