In Your Eyes (2014)
Another great story about being different and not fitting in!
2 May 2014
'IN YOUR EYES': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

Nerd God Joss Whedon wrote the script to this supernatural rom-com in the early 90s (he also wrote a song for the soundtrack and executive produced the movie)! It's directed by Brin Hill and stars Zoe Kazan and Michael Stahl-David (who you may recognize as the lead from 'CLOVERFIELD'). The film is somewhat groundbreaking in that it was self-distributed online (rather than being released in any theaters or on video first). It was shot on a $1 million budget and tells the story of two strangers, living across the country from each other, who can sense each other's feelings and even speak to one another. It's a little cheesy even for a Whedon film but it's nicely directed and has plenty of cool moments. The film costars Nikki Reed, Jennifer Grey, Mark Feuerstein, Steve Howey and Steve Harris.

Kazan plays Rebecca Porter, the lonely wife of an arrogant doctor, Phillip Porter (Feuerstein), who lives in New Hampshire. Stahl-David plays Dylan Kershaw, an ex-con who was recently paroled in New Mexico. They've had a connection since childhood but never understood it; constantly sensing each other's feelings (especially pain and fear). One day the two finally speak and begin an odd relationship with one another, which sends both their lives spiraling into new directions.

The gimmick of the two constantly talking to each other (while looking like crazy people to everyone else) gets pretty silly and painful to watch at times but Hill's direction is good enough to make most viewers overlook that one glaring flaw (I think). He brings a beautiful touch to Whedon's clever screenplay and that script has a great message to it; about how society looks at and treats those they think are mentally ill. It is another great story about being different and not fitting in that gives everyone hope to find someone they can connect with. The intimacy between the two characters making that connection (in this film) is mostly very touching and inspiring to watch. If you can get past the corny jokes and sappy rom-com feel (that comes and goes throughout the movie) it is an interesting and thoughtful film going experience.

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