Perception changer .
27 April 2014
Upon discovering the documentary , i was amazingly surprised and in a continuous state of enjoyment because i found out others where thinking as i was . I use all the talks and examples from the documentary to show and exemplify to others that something is going on in the world , something good and something bad . Most of them have problems with having the time to see what the problem is and what the solutions are. It is helping me and others explain a lot . It has helped me with ordering my ideas and reordering others . I have friends that where shocked about what they did not know , and others shocked when they started verifying the information that the actual government withholds from the public . Thank you and i appreciate everything you are doing . Don't just keep it up , spread it around all of you .

this is a positive-constructive documentary which is meant to empower your thoughts or present new ideas that will have to be judged by your actual knowledge. <3
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