Review of Tycoon

Tycoon (1947)
"These balcony scenes kind of confuse me."
26 April 2014
Forgettable romantic drama about engineer John Wayne trying to build a bridge while falling for millionaire Sir Cedric Hardwicke's daughter, Laraine Day. Daddy isn't too pleased. A huge flop for RKO at the time and it's easy to see why. Other than some nice location scenery and a couple of decent action scenes, it's nothing special and it goes on way too long. Duke is solid. Day looks stunning in technicolor but this is a part anybody could have played and she doesn't have the best chemistry with Duke. Hardwicke rarely offers a bad performance and this is no exception. His character has a rather long stick up his you-know-what. James Gleason is Duke's sidekick. He's great as always. Anthony Quinn and Judith Anderson offer good support, though this is hardly a part Quinn would brag about. Not the best John Wayne movie or even in the top thirty but it's watchable and there are some good moments.
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