Review of Twisted Tales

Twisted Tales (2013– )
shockingly bad, talky, illogical, predictable, cheap, incompetent
24 April 2014
This show feels like it was made in the late 1980's, rejected only to be unleashed on a world that has come to tolerate less quality. The show is endlessly tirelessly talky, you can turn off the picture and probably imagine a better show than what you'll see. Though it wouldn't be a good radio show as the dialog is dull and the ideas shop worn and don' t vary much from episode to episode.

Holland at times seems unable to shoot a scene so that it will even cut together properly. What physical effects are attempted are poor and the bulk of them are bad CGI. Poorly matched real elements with fake 2 dimensional backgrounds, terrible fake blood spurts and fake explosions. All of them look like state of the art CGI from say 1987. Some genre names pop up to get a paycheck. Ray Wise comes off OK the rest just seem to be slumming.

The show looks cheap and one assumes that Holland and the name cast took most of what was probably too little to produce the show properly anyway. But as pieces of writing the stories are predictable but worse than that the stories fail to hold together for any length of time. The best example of this, and this is not a spoiler, one character demands the combination to a lock from another character, he is given the combination, uses it to lock himself inside a room, then the character who just gave him the combination goes and gets a gun and demands the door be opened or he will shoot. WTF? The key pad for the combination is right there in front of him. In this fashion rules are set up then broken immediately in multiple episodes. Small bits of action or horror are sloppily done but mostly the not very good actors just stand around and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk some more. It feels like padding but the episodes weren't limited or restricted to certain time length or slot--as most TV is, so the assumption has to be that Holland though this was good dialog. The supporting cast members are generally poor and the cheap post production sound just is more cheapness layered on top of the whole waste of time thing.

Hard to imagine that Holland's name was ever attached to anything good if this was all you are to see. This is a hard one to forgive
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