Amusing walk down the street
22 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Most gay comedies leave a lot to be desired. This one stands out for reasons not immediately obvious. First, the actors are not American despite one of the main characters supposedly being a well known American actor making a movie in Paris. Bits of dialogue mention certain movie plots for American movies made in Europe. Someone complained about the American speaking English with an accent - much like most American actors when they speak French or other foreign language dialogue in movie - Matt Damon in a certain trilogy? Also the parody of the American movie towards the end is an amusing satirical comment on American movies.

The initial encounter between the main characters is well done, despite what some people say, these sorts of pick-ups happen. The resulting romance could have been better developed. It would have been more realistic if it were simply a romantic tryst. The relationship with the neighbor is very realistic. The angst of the American star was amusing as was the interaction with the actor's "agent". I kept waiting for the French lead to blow up on the agent. The mention of the moral's clause was absurd as while such clauses still exist they do not include a gay romance any longer. But ti was a good way to comment on the American hypocrisy when it comes to sex and violence.

All in all a fun romp.
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