A Real Downer
7 April 2014
Jewish tailor Morris Mishkin (Zero Mostel) can't work anymore due to a back problem. He's disowned his daughter for marrying an Italian. He's got a wife who's very ill and the bills just keep piling up. Times are tough, to say the least. An angel named Alexander (Harry Belafonte) appears to Morris offering to help. But Morris has lost his faith so he doesn't believe in angels, let alone black ones who use foul language and yell a lot. But Alexander can't help unless Morris believes again.

Good cast can only do so much. The script has some nice moments but is mostly a meandering mess. It has a limited premise yet it feels incredibly padded. It's full of familiar stereotypes and tropes, albeit mostly well-meaning ones. Your mileage may vary on how much the intention matters. It's a simple culture clash story with a little bit of dated social commentary and a downbeat ending that makes you feel like your time was wasted. A disappointing but not entirely worthless viewing experience.
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