Decent but outdone by the original Star Trek and "Alien"
13 March 2014
Although this 1965 film is an Italian production, directed by the famed Mario Bava, it was released by American International and stars American Barry Sullivan as the captain and main protagonist. Its original Italian title is (translated) "Terror in Space," which is better than the American title "Planet of the Vampires" (also "Demon Planet") seeing as how there are no blood-sucking vampires anywhere to be seen.

THE STORY: Barry Sullivan commands a spaceship that goes to a strange unknown planet in response to a distress call from another ship. They soon discover that the creepy planet is home to incorporeal aliens who desire their bodies and ship to leave the planet.

Although "Terror in Space" came out a year before the original Star Trek appeared on television, both the film and Star Trek borrow heavily from concepts introduced in the ground-breaking "Forbidden Planet" (1956). It should be noted that "Terror in Space" did not technically come before Star Trek since the first Trek pilot episode "The Cage" was filmed in 1964. And the second pilot "Where No Man Has Gone Before" was filmed at about the same time as "Terror" in 1965.

POSITIVES: I've heard a lot of good things about this film over the years, in particular the ultra-cool black leather uniforms with Nazi-like emblems and the atmospheric creepiness of the planet, and was not disappointed.

In addition, the film features two women -- a redhead and a blond -- as prominent figures in the crew of the spacecraft, a notable thing for 1965 (although keep in mind that Gene Roddenberry featured a female first officer in "The Cage" a year before). Both of these women are stunningly beautiful, enhanced by the black leather uniforms.

Although the film borrows heavily from "Forbidden Planet" its story is original and innovative. So much so, in fact, that Ridley Scott's "Alien" (1979) ripped-off every main aspect of the first half (!!). No kidding. In defense of "Alien" Scott did take these concepts and made a BETTER sci-fi/horror picture.

NEGATIVES: The film is from 1965 and therefore has dated sets and effects, comparable to the original Star Trek TV series. If this fact turns you off, stay away.

Unlike "Forbidden Planet" and the original Star Trek the story isn't very compelling. Yes, the set-up is interesting but by the 35-minute mark I was highly tempted to tune out (and did the first time I tried to watch it). It's hard to say why the story isn't compelling despite the film's numerous innovations, but one reason for sure is that, unlike Star Trek, the crewmembers are bland and lack distinction.

Some point out that "Terror in Space" is a darker version of the original Star Trek. This is true only in the sense that the sets and uniforms are darker; certainly not in the sense that it's more serious and mature. I say this because Star Trek was ultra-serious and mature right out of the gate; for verification 9 out of the first 10 episodes were dark, serious and mature in the truest sense -- "The Cage," "Where No Man Has Gone Before," "The Corbomite Maneuver," "Enemy Within," "The Man Trap," "The Naked Time," "Charlie X," "Balance of Terror" and "What Are Little Girls Made Of?".

FINAL ANALYSIS: If it were 1965 I'd give "Terror in Space" a solid B+ (4/5 Stars), but since it's been so outdone by the original Star Trek and "Alien" I can only honestly rate it C+. Regardless, it deserves a revered spot in any sci-fi/horror aficionado's video library.
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