I liked the movie for what it was
5 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
(This review assumes the reader has seen the movie, this is my spoiler warning)

I first saw the movie when it was released in 1993. I was 11 or 12 at the time. Being mostly dialogue driven, I remembered very little of it. The part I did remember that stuck with me was where the stealth was sent back, and how the house interior changed in the snap of a finger with his son disappearing, and the way he runs outside and stops in shock of a landscape that went from a beautiful southern California environment to a post-war industrial wasteland with old abandoned factories looming in the background. -- Seeing it again 20 years later, the actor portrayed the characters emotions pretty much how I would of felt in the situation.

This might sound dorky, but what made me want to see it again was to catch the dialogue. That stuff didn't interest me at age 12. My main question being why the villain would still want to create the time machine and what exactly happened to the stealth.

Though the movie doesn't *show* the 50 years of history, the dialogue let my imagination fill in the blanks about how the world transformed into what it was. The scene where David meets Longstreet in the alternate 1993 was rather profound in answering those questions. The way Longstreet's actor explains the events, and the way David sits silently trying to process everything before and after being handed the photograph of the stealth was done pretty authentically. I felt like I was in David's shoes processing the information, visualizing what happened. Imagining the events just as if I was reading a book. This might not work for younger audiences who like to be shown dazzling scenes vs using their imagination...but I kind of like movies that let me think for myself.

The movie has its flaws, the acting in the rest of the movie isn't the greatest, but again what made me appreciate it was being able to relate to the character as he's trying to make sense of the world that transformed unexpectedly around him. We know that a stealth was sent back, though considering he did not know this (until much later), makes his performance believable.

I can't compare this to the first movie. I watched it out of curiosity but it wasn't of me. This one felt more like a stand alone original than a movie sequel.
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