Poorly executed pretentious post-pubescent rubbish
26 February 2014
This movie had a lot of potential, but appears to have been written by somebody who has spent a day browsing "philosophy" on Wikipedia and Reddit, after smoking a joint.

Some interesting and well know philosophical concepts are introduced, after which we are treated to some truly shallow exploration of an otherwise interesting thought experiment.

This movie was notable for me in that it was one of the few movies that left me empty and unfulfilled. Kind of like going to an expensive restaurant where food is an art form, only you get very little of it, and it doesn't taste very nice.

However, to be balanced, the cinematography was not bad, and the story is likely what would happen if you throw a bunch of abercrombie & fitch models in a room to discuss philosophy. It also carries the same level of depth and intellectual challenge.

Waste of time.
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