In a world... saturated by vampire movies... this one is a cut above.
25 February 2014
The last vampire film I actually enjoyed was Interview with the Vampire (1994). The locations, story, and sheer scope of the film was impressive. Since then, I have seen a lot of bloated, high budget, and disappointing attempts at a vampire story.

Enter Interwoven Film's "Crimson Winter", an impressive effort that brings back the days when story was king. Truth be told, the only reason I decided to watch this film is because it was shot in my home state of Montana. But once I heard the brooding narration of the main character lamenting his many experiences over the course of many lifetimes contrasted by beautiful shots of the mountains of Montana, I was hooked.

"Crimson" tells a familiar story in an unfamiliar way. This is a story that requires your attention and rewards it. The story weaves in tales of family betrayal, forbidden love, revenge, survival, compromise, and ideals.

This is a gritty, well shot, well acted, independent film that challenges audiences to think about choices, and in this case, what they may mean for centuries to come. It is about belief, and holding on to that belief for so long it could be forgotten. At the end of the day, it is about that wretched, rewarding, painful, and amazing thing called love.
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