Review of Code Geass

Code Geass (2006–2008)
Less Intelligent Version of Death Note
20 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*May container spoilers*

Code Geass centers around Lelouche Lamperouge, a high school student that shows his prowess as a chess player, penchant for skipping class, and his obvious boredom with class. The setting of this anime has a great deal of potential. Japan has been taken over by a world superpower called Britannia and is ruled with an iron fist. Lelouche is thrown into a power struggle between Brittania and the order of the Black Knights, an organization that seeks to free Japan from Brittanian rule. He gains a supernatural power called Geass that makes him able to command pretty much anyone (there are exceptions) to do anything he wants them to do. Unfortunately for the viewer, the anime is very sloppy when it comes to writing and no matter how much they try to make the characters human they come across as one dimensional. Lelouch makes stupid mistakes at every turn and rarely uses Geass, a very powerful ability, to its full potential. The story is plagued by fan service as nearly every female has their tits hanging out at some point and many of them get naked for no reason. The tone of the story goes from being dark to goofy in seconds and tries to get us to connect to characters, but at the end of the day you don't connect with them at all. They are all cardboard cutouts that you either completely hate or are indifferent to. The action sequences are decent but they get boring and repetitive after awhile. The only reason you keep watching is you want to know whether Lelouch is going to win or lose and you hope that it will get better. It doesn't. It remains average at best and most of the episodes are forgettable.
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