Star-Crossed (2014)
An insult to Sci-Fi
18 February 2014
This show is complete and utter garbage.

Aliens that can only be differentiated because they arrive wearing sky blue pyjamas and henna tattoos on their faces, seriously?

After the first two minutes I could tell that little to no effort was going to be put into the differentiation of 'alien'.

After 10 minutes I could tell the storyline was a poorly veiled attempt to milk the audiences emotions towards bigotry and discrimination, to its credit 'District 9' already achieved that with the burden of aliens that looked like prawns rather than using some pretty faces that look like they come from the cast of glee.

This just another poorly written teen soapy and they have the audacity to try and pass it off as Sci-Fi. If you must produce this sort of drivel then please do us a favour and have the courtesy to stay away to the Sci-Fi genre.
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