Religious confusion!
8 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First, let me assure everyone - I love this movie. It's a slick, funny and beautifully paced and acted comedy-drama, with a matchless cast and one of Heinz Roenheld's most tuneful scores (Roemheld is woefully under- rated IMHO and unjustly forgotten).

However, there is one curious thing about this movie and (Spoiler Alert) it concerns the plot twist that finds the resolutely Jewish Edward G Robinson holed up in (of all places) a Monastery, and eventually eschewing a life of crime to join the Order! I note that no mention of Jesus Christ nor is any Christian imagery shown on set - unusual for a monastery, especially in a Hollywood movie.

Of course Edward G is such a great actor and Warner's stock company play so beautifully together, one hardly notices the inconsistency, but my oh my, it's a rum do!

Robinson was so versatile. The same year he made this, he also made Dr Ehrlich's Magic Bullet and The Sea Wolf (the latter is undoubtedly his finest role and performance - will it ever appear on DVD?). And here, in Brother Orchid, he shows that he's a master of comic timing. Check out his marvellous double- takes during the car ride with Ann Sothern and Ralph Bellamy. He was top of his game and was always underestimated by Hollywood. The DVD of this gem is a beauty - the print looks like it was never out of the vault, so clear and sharp. Don't believe other reviewers on here - this one is a Warner classic.
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