The Angry Ginger "Coppercab" gets a show....are you kidding?
2 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers

About 4 years ago, Michael Kittrell AKA Coppercab became a viral video star almost overnight with his heartfelt troll baiting video "Gingers Do Have Souls." A few years later, he and his "Mema" appeared on Tosh.O in a web redemption segment. And from that, apparently, Reelz decided that this duo needed a show. So, now we have Hollywood Hillbillies.

Hollywood Hillbillies chronicles Kittrell and other members of his backwoods family as they pack up their bags and move to Los Angeles after Michael receives a call from an agent and is offered a position with the talent agency DWE Talent. Along for the ride are the following:

Mema, Michael's grandmother and guardian who is an old school Southern woman in every sense. She's rude, crude, vulgar, and maybe a bit racially insensitive. Of the three family members, she is the loudest and least likely to conform.

Johnny, Michael's uncle and father figure who loves cars and is the stereotypical dumb redneck which is played up as early as the first episode in which he is asks if he is going out to LA on a whim and he replies "No, I'm going on an airplane."

Dee Dee, Michael's aunt and the source of a lot of his annoyance. She is easily the most annoying person in the show. Her voice alone makes the viewers want to slap her. In the latest episode especially, she is quick to get on the family's nerves. A prime example of this is in Episode 3, in which she gets to meet some of the celebrities she can't seem to shut up about wanting to meet.

Paul, Dee Dee's boyfriend who is the definition of a throwaway character. In three episodes, I think he has spoken maybe once.

And Little Pig, Mema's best friend who simply came to LA to be there with her friend. Another throwaway character until Episode 3 in which she and Mema go out on a double date.

This backwoods family relocate for the sake of meeting Michael's talent agent and to get his career started. From the first episode alone, you have this feeling of "I doubt this will even make it to the season finale." The main problem with the show is that it is literally a show given to two people who don't particularly deserve it. On top of this, Michael's agent, David Weintraub, has a pointless mission for Michael. He states in the first episode that his goal is to get Michael into movies and television. Well, guess what, David? Michael has a TV show now without you. What does he need you for?

On top of the pointless plot, the characters are not likable in any way. Michael is simply known for his complaining and whining on Youtube and Mema is only known because of Michael. Bringing in the other members of this "family" does nothing. Along with two people who are none for their outbursts and complaining, we have two annoying stereotypes of redneck culture, even worse with Dee Dee. This is Reelz' equivalent to TLC's Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

At the end of the day, it is unlikely that this show will see a second season, possibly not even a full first season. Watch at your own risk. And in reality, do we really need to support Coppercab more than Youtube already does? He is still a partner on that site so he is still receiving revenue for his viral video. I give this a 1/10.

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