This is a dark comedy not a giallo!
28 January 2014
Although there is a crime committed in the Second Truth of Satan and the plot does deal with the disposal of a body, this is a dark comedy not a giallo. The plot has Diana (Rita Calderoni), a spoiled rich girl, driving her boyfriend to suicide. He kills himself and hopes to frame her for his "murder." Instead of calling the police, Diana attempts to hide the body. Unfortunately, for her, a passerby has seen the body and is going to blackmail her. . . kind-of. I say kind-of because this bizarre individual, a ham actor playing a ham actor, is more interested in eating eggs and baffling Diana (and the viewer) than obtaining money or favors from her. Eventually, Diana's secretary shows up and nude hippies soon follow (!).

Almost all of the film is set in the apartment of the dead man. Despite this, the visual style keeps the viewer from getting claustrophobic. The film features the oddball camera angles and bright flashing colors one would expect from director Renato Polselli. The downside is that the film is not funny. This is not a small problem. Still, I was not bored by The Second Truth of Satan even if it was a far cry from Delerium or Black Magic Rites/The Reincarnation of Isabel.

I cannot speak for what was or was not originally in the film. The print I saw (from Video Screams) had a fair amount of nudity but no sex that I can recall, either simulated or explicit. To be honest, I would rather have had the laughs.
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